Supporting St. Ҵý students and alumni at every step
Whether choosing a major or looking for a full-time job (or anywhere in between), the Career Development Center has services to support your career journey.
We can help wherever you are right now:
- You are unsure what to major in or what career path is right for you
- You think you know what you want to do, but want to learn more
- You are thinking of pursuing graduate or professional school, but aren't sure if it's the right path for you
- You know what you want to do, but don't know how to begin your search
- You want to connect with others who can share their career stories
- Are you trying to figure out how to tell your story so that employers will pay attention
Check out the services below to learn how our team can help you shape your future.
List of Services
Our services are designed to support students and alumni of all identities at any point in the career development process
Explore Majors and Careers | Connect your strengths and interests with career paths |
Understand and practice all aspects of the interview process |
Learn how to navigate the recruiting process |
Maximize your time at career events |
Navigate interviews hosted on campus |
Connect with others and learn more about potential employers |
Let the Career Development Center share career content with your group |