Reporting Information
To submit a Report, click “Report an Incident.” This report can also be submitted anonymously.
This form may be completed by any member of the University of St. ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ who has experienced, witnessed, or learned of suspected gender or sex discrimination, sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, or sexual harassment on or off-campus.
Staff and Faculty members can use this form to fulfill their reporting requirements under the Sexual Misconduct Policy to notify the Title IX Coordinator of suspected sexual misconduct or child abuse, however, they must identify themselves and cannot remain anonymous.
If the identity of the reporting party is provided below, the University of St. ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ will follow up directly with them. As appropriate, we will offer supportive and protective measures and will discuss the process options available under the Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Other ways to report concerns or incidents that may fall within the Sexual Misconduct Policy
Title IX Coordinator
(651) 962-6882
Department of Public Safety - Non-emergency
St. Paul: Morrison Hall, 1st Floor
Minneapolis: School of Law, 1st Floor
(651) 962-5100
Department of Public Safety - Emergency
(651) 962-5555

Choosing to Remain Anonymous
Filing an anonymous form will not result in a formal investigation unless the person making the report chooses to make their identity known to an Official with Authority. For more information about what will happen after filing an anonymous report, see the Questions and Answers section below.
Individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct are encouraged to report to the Title IX Coordinator, to the police, and/or to seek confidential support. Whether or not a person chooses to report, we want to ensure you are safe in your situation. See the “Can I access support resources without having to formally report to the University of St. ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½?” section below for more information about the support resources available.
Frequently Asked Questions
Anyone who has experienced, witnessed, or learned of suspected sexual misconduct that is in any way connected to the University of St. ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½. Staff and Faculty members who are reporting suspected sexual misconduct or child abuse, under their obligation in the Sexual Misconduct Policy cannot remain anonymous.
Be as detailed as you feel comfortable in your report. Include as much information about the following as you can recall:
- Name(s) or the person who did the harm (if known)
- Dates or approximate dates of the incident(s), if known
- Time or approximate time of the incident(s), if known
- Location(s) both during, before, and after the incident
- Names of witness(es) before, after, and during any incidents
- Details of the incident
All information provided will be forwarded to the Title IX Coordinator. The information will be used to track reports of sexual misconduct for reporting purposes to state and federal authorities. This information will also be used to better understand the incidences of sexual misconduct in our ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½, to help identify any patterns of behavior, and to aid the University of St. ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ in its education, prevention, and response efforts.
The University of St. ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ is limited in its ability to respond to anonymous reports. Without the ability to proceed through a formal investigation and make a determination of responsibility, it is very unlikely a person reported to have violated the sexual misconduct policy will receive a sanction such as removal from campus.
Since the University of St. ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ does have the name or contact information of the person making an anonymous report, we do not have the ability to follow-up with the reporting party. We encourage the person making the report to seek support from any of the confidential on-campus or off-campus resources, listed at the end of this page.
A person may decide at any time to pursue a formal investigation or identify themselves as an anonymous reporter by contacting the Title IX Coordinator, Julie Thornton, via or (651) 962-6882, or visiting them at their office in Room 247 of the Anderson Student Center.
Absolutely. The University of St. ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ encourages those who have experienced sexual misconduct to report an incident to the police. See Off-Campus Places to Report Sexual Violence in the resource list below for more information on reporting to the police. Filling out this report does not automatically trigger a report to the police. The University of St. ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ can assist students in reporting to the police, or students can contact the police on their own. and are free, confidential ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ resources that can also assist victims in reporting to the police.
Yes. Confidential support resources are available both on campus and off campus. These resources can provide counseling, safety planning options, assistance in filing orders for protection, and information on reporting to the police.
In addition, there are support options available on campus to students, including ensuring safety on campus, changes in class schedules or housing arrangements, help with academic problems, and assistance in receiving health and counseling resources. A student is NOT required to provide additional information about the incident or participate in a university investigation in order to receive these services. Our primary goal is to help, and we will respect the student's decision to share, or not share, any aspect of the situation with us. Students can contact the Dean of Students Office for access to these support resources.