Students gather in the Create Space to make spirit wear.


Imagine a place where your creativity comes alive. The create[space] is an innovation and creativity hub, filled with tools that inspire and enable you to turn dreams into reality. From 3D laser printers and vinyl cutters to sewing machines and Legos – everything is here to let you flex your creative muscles.

Designed to highlight the many talents and resources found across our campus and our ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½, create[space] helps to facilitate connections and bring dreams to life.

Students, faculty and staff in collaboration with others or on your own, all are welcome to join in and make some magic, hang out, work on puzzles, play games or as a unique spot to study. The create[space] is located on the first floor of the Anderson Student Center.

Questions regarding the create[space] can be directed to createspace@stthomas.edu.

Events and Services

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