The Hoedeman Gallery of Sacred Art
Call for Art Exhibitions
We welcome proposals to exhibit sacred art in our gallery. See the bottom of the page for proposal guidelines. Contact Jacob Benda with any questions:
Dr. Jacob Benda
Director of Music, Liturgy and Sacred Arts
(651) 962-6570

Temporary Installation
Expressing Spirituality Through Art
Fr. Tupa's art celebrates his relationship with the world, and with God. His paintings are an invitation to partake of and share in his balanced wholeness. Tupa is a seeker, whose art is spiritually inspired-and spirtually inspiring. While the subjects of his paintings are rich in tradition, his art is decidedly modern and bodly original.

Permanent Installation
Icon of Holy ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½, Angelic Doctor
In 2012, Campus Ministry commissioned Nicholas Markell ’84 to write an icon of St. ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ Aquinas, the university’s patron saint, called “Holy ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½” in the tradition of Eastern iconography.
Call for Art Exhibitions
The Hoedeman Gallery of Sacred Art is committed to providing art exhibitions that foster dialogue centered on the diverse religious and sacred identities that make up the St. ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½.
We welcome proposals to exhibit sacred art in our gallery. We have two major displays during the academic year (September through December and February through May). You are welcome to submit a proposal at any time and it will be reviewed during the next quarterly cycle.
An exhibit can be scheduled for Gallery A or Gallery B, or a larger exhibit utilizing both.
Gallery A is 20' 6" wide.
Gallery B is 31' 4" wide.
A hanging rod system is mounted 11' off the floor in each gallery.
Digital proposals only, please. To submit a digital proposal, please include the following:
- Letter of introduction stating the intent of the exhibit and how it complements the mission of the Gallery.
- Digital images: In JPEG format, 72 dpi, 600 pixels in longest direction
- Image list: title, artist, medium, dimensions for each
- Contact information: phone number and email address
Send all questions and submissions to:
Jacob Benda
(651) 962-6570
- The Iversen Center for Faith is the architectural embodiment of the multifaith reality of the University of St. ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½. It is a space for people of different faiths to gather/meet in order to deepen their own religious expression, to learn about the diversity of faith traditions, and to join in collaborative ventures. This will be done through interfaith dialogue in a spirit of respect for the other.
- As part of the Iversen Center, the Hoedeman Gallery of Sacred Art shares in the overall purpose and goals of the center in promoting the understanding and appreciation of multiple faiths and traditions.
- Since the Iversen Center falls under the purview of the Office for Mission, that office is responsible for securing the funding for the gallery and maintaining the mission and purpose of the gallery.
- Exhibits may draw from diverse religious traditions or may feature the sacred art of one particular tradition. An effort to reflect faiths that are active on campus should be a priority. Exhibits should represent both contemporary expressions as well as those connecting us to our long history of sacred creations.
- Proposed exhibitions will be reviewed by representatives from the Department of Art History, Campus Ministry, University Advancement, the Office for Mission, the Department of Theology, and others, and will include student representatives. This representative advisory group may include experts from outside of the university ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½. Final approval for exhibits will rest with the Office for Mission.
- As stated in Ex corde ecclesiae, part of the mission of a Catholic university is to offer “the rich experience of the Church’s own culture.” The Hoedeman Gallery is a venue for the university to highlight the artistic contributions of that tradition.
- While the gallery is first and foremost to benefit students and the university ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½, it is also a resource for the larger ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½. Thus, an invitation should be extended to the broader ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ to appreciate and benefit from exhibits.